Saturday, March 14, 2015

Passion Blog

So in the 10th grade I was introduced to Farina and Spanish oatmeal by Fatoumanta Diallo. At first I was skeptical because it was only a dollar and it was sold in a janky corner but after I saw more and more people buying it i decided to get some and try it for myself. When I first got it I instantly fell in love with it and have purchased it many times since. I usually don't eat breakfast because it makes me nauseous and I have time in the morning to get it. One flaw about about this farina is that its sold at a corner store pass the school and I often find it hard to walk pass the school to walk down the block in the mornings.Farina is like Cream of Wheat but I don't seem to like cream of wheat as much as I like Farina, I think its the way the particularly store I get it from makes it. I once got it from a store close to my house but it was disgusting and a waste of $1.50 and it was more expensive. I also like porridge and regular oatmeal. Eating oatmeal reminds me of being a kid. 


  1. I love farina too! and I love how it only does cost a dollar too because its very affordable so Im able to eat it everyday lol !

  2. Im still never going to buy farina of my own. It reminds me too much of oatmeal and i ate it too much where it makes me sick.

  3. I have never tried farina because i look at it like its oatmeal an i hate oatmeal. Maybe its worth a try if you say you enjoyed it after your first try.

  4. I see you almost every morning with Farina, the fact that you made this your passion blog is hilarious.

  5. I used to eat cream of wheat or farina all the time. To be honest, I don't know why I stopped. I eat regular oatmeal now.
