Thursday, February 26, 2015


So this unit of English 12 began with poetry and I absolutely hate poetry. I hate it because I always have nothing to talk about. I've hated poetry since the 5th grade and every year since then I've gotten a lesson based on poetry. I was put at ease when I found out we weren't actually writing poetry but just reading and analyzing it. When I have a lesson I don't like it make is hard for me to understand and do the work that's given, but I do it anyway because everything counts towards my grade. But that lesson was last week and this week we are looking in to Shakespeare an his play hamlet. I don't mind this lesson because Shakespeare's plays are really interesting. I've only read two of his plays Othello and Romeo and Juliet, both of them were class assignments but I probably would have never read them on my own time. Yesterday we had to translate a conversation into Shakespeare's time period's language. It was pretty cool doing that. We also had a lesson on saying the different moods of O's I think we should have more interactive lessons like that to keep students engaged.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm glad you like some of what we are doing. An ID post is interdisciplinary, meaning between the disciplines, so not English class!
