Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Another Introduction

My name is Shaleena Campbell I'm a 16 year old senior at Thurgood Marshall Academy. I've been going to Thurgood Marshall for seven years and I am happy that this is my last year having to enter a first day of school here. My Journey to 12th grade put a strain on my grades which has led to some of my stress in my senior year. Its weird for me to say stressed because I'm a really laid back, care-free person and this pass summer and few weeks of school have taken me out of my nonchalance. So far this school year has just been college talk, so much to the point where I feel drowned in college admissions and GPA's. I come to school, go to after school, and then go home and the word college is drilled into my brain. When I go home the last thing I want to think about is College, but having a mother who is really up on things makes it hard for me to forget. At times I feel overwhelmed because where going over all this college stuff and often my grades don't match the criteria. I get over this by trying to encourage myself to do better and try to get my grades up a little. Its only the first three weeks a school and I've already been bombarded with two essays, a presentation, and a test. Knowing that I want to bring my GPA up I wholeheartedly did all that work on time, and due to my hard work I got an 100 on the first statistics test this year which really brought my spirits up. It wasn't long before those spirits dropped and the next day I had a bad day at work. I'm not going to get into explaining it now because that will be another blog post. See you every other Wednesday.


  1. It can definitely be overwhelming, but it is better to go through it now before all the due dates come in rather than when all the due dates come in!

  2. I am over all the college talk to, can't wait till it's over. Lol nice post expressing your feelings about school.

  3. I completely understand , after a while it becomes annoying but its for our own benefit.
